1GNITE Blog 

A carefully curated list of quick, yet insightful, resources about industry trends, best practices, solutions, and how to make it happen.

Below is a list of blogs 1GNITE created to help you maximize the value of your used assets or surplus inventory, decrease the cost of facility cleanouts, demonstrate how your group is meeting your company’s environmental commitments. 

Whether you are looking for best practices to navigate severe operational disruptions,  ways to proactively overcome supply shortages, or transition to circularity, you will find actionable recommendations. No fluff. Just practical content.

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New ReCommerce Opportunities from Supply Chain Disruptions

How Sustainability is the Key to Solving Supply Chain Issues

Liquidation company: how to pick the right one

3 Easy Steps To Align Emergency Liquidation and Recycling

4 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Emergency Cleaning

Liquidation: How Retailers Retain Value for Planned and Unplanned Events

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